Sunday 19 April 2020

PATRICK - PROFICIENCY - Monday and Wednesday

Hi Students;

How are things?

Hope you are all well. Here are the class activities for this week.
Don't forget, you can ask me any questions via email or in the WhatsApp group.


On page 48 of the Student's book there is a listening activity (exercise 2).
Check the vocabulary list the listen to the audio below and answer the multiple choice questions.
I will post the answers in a few days:


Use at least 8 of the words or expressions before the listening exercise in the book to make your own sentences or paragraph. Send them to me by email.


Watch this short film about a maths teacher. Write a short summary to show you have understood the story and also give your own ideas about the issues involved. If you wish you can do this orally and record yourself, then post it in the WhatsApp group.


On Page 46 (unit 3c) there are some exercises related to adjectives and adverbs. Read the grammar sections at the end of the book GR10 - GR13 and then do exercises 1, 2, 3. I will post the answers in a few days.

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